8 Alcoholic Drinks for a Healthier Lifestyle

8 Alcoholic Drinks for a Healthier Lifestyle

Are you on the road to a better, healthier version of yourself? If you are, you may be wondering what the healthiest alcoholic drink alternative for your go-to at parties is. But, surely, there’s no universe where alcohol and a diet can work together. Right? That’s where you’re wrong — there’s a way for a […]

Everything You Need To Know About Piña Colada

Everything You Need To Know About Piña Colada

Piña Colada is a cocktail recognized across the globe. In the U.S., they celebrate National Piña Colada Day every July 10, while, in India, everyone has tasted the Virgin Piña Colada at least once in their lives. With its rich taste and colorful history, Piña Colada takes the spotlight as a must-try cocktail today. Before […]