7 Perfect Alcoholic Drinks for Diabetics

“Can diabetics drink alcohol?”, you might ask. The answer is a whopping YES! You don’t have to totally give up alcoholic drinks. You can still have it on occasion. If you’re wondering what is the best alcoholic drink for a diabetic, read on!

1. Dry Martini

You can create your own dry martini at home. You just need vodka and dry vermouth. For the garnish, you can have lemons, baby onions, and olives. This is a perfect drink if you’re looking to control your blood sugar. However, if you’re out in a bar, don’t forget to ask the bartender about the sugar content.

2. Bloody Mary

If you’re looking for a healthy alternative, a glass of Bloody Mary won’t let you down. Just following the standard recipe is ideal. Make sure that you use fresh tomatoes. When you do, you won’t have to worry about the sugar content. You can also squeeze it yourself. You can even add pepper and fresh celery to your Bloody Mary.

3. Dry White and Red Wines

If wine is part of your lifestyle, you probably wouldn’t want to let go of it. Dessert, sweet, and off-dry wines are a no-no for you. These wines contain high amounts of sugar. However, you can still opt for dry white wine or dry red wine. Although this is perfect for people with diabetes, it is important to drink moderately.

4. Light Beer

You might be thinking about this very question, “Can diabetics drink beer?” The short answer is: Yes. However, it is important that you only consume light beer. Regular beers have higher calories compared to light beers.  Note that the darker the color of the beer, the higher the calorie contents. You can have saisons, sours, and wheat. You won’t have to worry about gaining a beer belly, either.

5. Vodka and Club Soda

If you’re looking for the best mixer for diabetics, vodka and club soda are perfect for you! It has no carbs, sugar, or calories. You don’t need to worry about a spike in your blood sugar. You can have it over ice with a squeeze of fresh lime. You can also consider adding other citrus fruits like lemon, grapefruit, or orange.

6. Diet Gin and Tonic

You can still enjoy diet gin and tonic even if you have diabetes. You can opt for a diet tonic. It has lower calorie and sugar content compared to regular ones. You can also interchange it with sparkling water. Another thing you can add to have a twist is a slice of fresh grapefruit or rosemary. This is one of the best alcoholic drinks for diabetics to drink.

7. Hot Toddy

Speaking of cocktails, you can also have one without worrying about your blood sugar level. If you have scotch or bourbon at home, you can definitely make this. You just have to add hot water, lemon, cinnamon, and honey. You can minimize the calories by adding more water. You can also add a bit of honey together with cinnamon and lemon juice.

Drinking Do’s and Dont’s for Diabetics

It’s fun to go out and have drinks. If you prefer to stay at home, you can have a sip while watching your favorite series. We’ve listed a few do’s and dont’s to remember!

  • DO drink water. It is vital to stay hydrated at all times. The best way to do it is to drink water. Your body will definitely thank you for it. You can also fight off the effect of alcohol when you do this.
  • DON’T drink alcohol without eating food. When you drink on an empty stomach, it’ll be much harder for your system to process the alcohol.
  • DO wear a medical I.D. tag. When you’re out alone, it is important that you have this on you. The effect of alcohol can look the same as a drop in your blood sugar. People around you might think that you just had too much to drink.
  • DON’T forget to test your blood sugar level. The effect of alcohol may show for at least a day. It is important to monitor it to know if you’re still within the normal range.
  • DO be careful. If you’re taking medications for your condition, it is best to monitor your alcohol intake. You can also ask your doctor for the recommended type of alcohol drink and its quantity.

We hope that this article shed light on your question, “What can diabetics drink?”. If you or your loved ones are looking for the finest liquor store in Avon, CO, you can check out Village Warehouse Wine and Spirits. We have a wide array of every alcoholic drink you can think of. You can also ask our staff for any liquor recommendation with little to no sugar content. Visit us!

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